Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 2009 Update

Molly and Sam had a wonderful Christmas. Santa brought Molly an American Girl Doll and he brought Sammy an electronic keyboard. There were no complaints (Thank goodness, because Santa did NOT want to have to come back and confiscate presents).

Molly is in Kindergarten at the Brown School. She is doing very well academically. It's been a bit harder for her socially since there are several little girls in her class who are just as dominate and head-strong as she. We've had many, MANY talks about making and keeping friends. Molly was recently diagnosed with Sensory Deficit Disorder and ADHD. She is on the waiting list for Occupational Therapy at Easter Seals for her Sensory issues. As far as the ADHD goes, we just keep her very active and it seems to calm her quite well. Molly's newest joy is iceskating. She actually has a talent for it and the skating rink is less than a mile away from our house. A couple hours of skating and she is happy as can be (and ready for bed).
Sam is now at Hawthorne Elementary in their pre-kindergarten program where he gets speech therapy twice a week. He is still not talking and we have come to the conclusion that there is more than just a delay in his development. He may have Apraxia--the inab ility to locate and express the words he needs when he needs them. Even though we have a long road ahead of us, both Occupational and Speech therapy will help. Currently, he is also receiving speech therapy at Easter Seals of Louisville. We are on the waiting list for OT.
Although both kids are quite a handful, they seem to be thriving in their respective environments. We can't wait to see what they will say or do next because one just never knows.

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