Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where to now?

Molly and Sam are fighting like cats and dogs--actually, our cats and dogs get along much better than our children. I tried to take a leisurely walk with the stroller to pick up the kids from preschool today. The walk there was great---the way back was a different story. After Molly fell and scraped her knee on the sidewalk, I tried to let her ride in the stroller, which Sam was not happy about. Then, I tried to sit Sam on her lap, which only ended in screaming, and tears. Just because she tried to hold him on her lap, he suddenly decides he's mad at her. I stop to tie my shoe and he walks around to the front of the stroller and bites Molly on the arm then spits at her. She smacks him upside the back of the head which makes him spit at her again and then attack with both hands grabbing at her hair. I had to make her walk at that point because he was screaming and I couldn't carry him and push the stroller at the same time. When I put him back in the stroller, Molly broke down in tears and refused to walk. She screamed about her scraped knee as if I was making her walk on a broken leg or something (it wasn't even bleeding). Let's just say that I tried about everything I could think of to get us home. Basically, what should have been a 10-15 minute walk lasted 45 minutes. We would have made a great add for family planning services.

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