Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleepovers and dry-erase taggings

"The Culprits" (Molly & Alana)
After school yesterday, I picked up my children along with two of Molly's first grade friends, Alana and Daniela. Molly had invited the girls to come over and spend the night. Daniela, not quite ready for an overnighter, would only be staying until around 7:30, but Alana, who has spent the night before, would be staying until today. So, I somehow managed to walk all four children from the school, down the sidewalk, and to my vehicle, which may not sound like a difficult task, but it sure is when all four are running in different directions, squealing at 6 & 7 year old decibals with wild abandon, and dragging half-open backpacks, scarves, lunchboxes, and school papers while busses and cars are coming and going from the school parking lot. I'd like to say that I took control of the situation, put the kids in single file, and marched them to the car, but no, it was as chaotic as you can possibly imagine. Of course, I understand why they were so wound up and excited. What's more fun than bringing home your friends after school at the end of the week?

Oh, wait, I know, being the little boy whose sister is the one bringing home the cute, little friends, that's what! Sam was just as thrilled and who can blame him? Wait until he's 12 and his sister is bringing home her 14-year-old girlfriends, or as she already calls them...her "BFFs."

Of course Molly wouldn't put up with Sam's presence for long, but once the excitement wore off and Sam realized that he would get to sleep in mom and dad's room for the night, he didn't mind letting the girls alone. Besides, even HE doesn't want to listen to Molly's wailing and screaming. He was glad to leave the room when she started.

The girls played well and had a good time. After Daniela left, Alana and Molly settled down a bit, but still couldn't quite fall asleep. I could hear giggling in the bedroom for far too long. And of course, I had to keep getting up and telling them to get to sleep. At some point, Michael and Sam were asleep, and I may have been too, I heard them crawl into our room giggling. I'm not sure how long they were there, but I sent them back to Molly's room. I thought they were just being silly at the time, but I discovered this morning what they were really up to.

When Sam woke up, he came over to my bed pointing at his arm. I was half asleep and he was holding his arm in my face. He had a big, black smiley face on his forearm. I looked at it and asked him if he had done it to himself. He said no. That's when I looked up at his face.
Let's just say he looked like a psychedelic zebra. I guess the girls had visited last night with black & green markers and "decorated" poor Sam in his sleep. It's the seven-year-old equivalent to peanut butter and a feather I guess. Luckily, Sam thought it was hilarious when I showed him his face. He didn't think it was quite as funny when I started trying to scrub it off, though.

You could tell that only one of the girls was almost completely responsible for Sammy's tagging--the one with the black marker. When Molly and Alana woke up and came downstairs, Molly announced her role in Sammy's face-art. I asked them which colors each had used. Of course Alana had the green marker, with only a few marks here and there. Molly, with the black one, hadn't just completely hatch-marked his entire face, she had scribbled all down his neck and even in one of his ears (which I haven't been able to totally clean). Oh, and don't forget the smiley face on his arm. I can't believe he slept through that AND their giggling.

Anyway, Molly will be doing Sam's portion of cleaning in their bedroom this evening. It was difficult for me not to just laugh out loud about the whole thing. I have to admit, it was pretty funny. I couldn't find my camera in order to take a picture, but believe me, as marked up as you can possibly imagine him, that's how he looked and maybe even worse.

My favorite part of the story is that when Molly announced what she had done to Sam, she then turned to me very proudly and said..."Oh, I used dry erase markers, not the permanent ones. I figured you'd prefer that" (and yes, she used those words).

Gosh, thanks Molly.


Anonymous said...

she is a cute little devil, ain't she!

Unknown said...

This is a great way to keep updated about the mischievous doings of the asian dare devils ha ha ...... it was yet another classic high school story that i miss dearly

Danika said...

oh my goodness. it doesnt even matter that your tv is possessed by evil demons. the kids are the best entertainment in the world.

Bryan Ripley Crandall said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bryan Ripley Crandall said...

Accidentally left the comment, "f". That was it. The letter F. Not that this story failed, but because I hit enter with only the letter f on it.

Regardless, this is a classic story - one for a lifetime. I once covered my body in magic marker to look like I had chicken pox. It didn't work...I had to go to school with red marker all over me. Poor Sam. That sister of his will be a character to follow for many years.